bicentennial exhibition at the
universalist church of west hartford
Graphic Design | Production Management

The Universalist Church of West Hartford wanted to mount an exhibition in honor of their bicentennial year, and also create a welcoming and inviting space where the congregants entered the sanctuary. Key motifs were the “flaming chalice” that is the symbol of the Unitarian church and can come in many forms, from glass to ceramic, and the jewel tones and arches of the stained glass windows that surrounded the sanctuary.
A twisted metal chalice found in the church became the basis for the logo that became the centerpiece of the exhibition. I emulated the colors and shapes found in the stained glass windows and added a faint overlay of “rays” emanating from the arches. There was an abundance of text and images that needed to be organized and arranged hierarchically. According to the Reverend, it made their history vibrant, alive, and easy to share with all who visit the church.
“When we started out, we were thinking about a few pictures and a few signs to share our history during our bicentennial year. Learning about what Johanna could do changed what we thought was possible. What Johanna created for us is so much more than we’d imagined. Through her beautiful graphics and clarity of design, our history is vibrant, alive, and easy to share with the congregation and our visitors! We’re proud of our history and who we’ve become. Now we’re proud to display it to everyone who comes into our sanctuary each week.
-The Rev. Dr. Adam Robersmith, Senior Minister of the Universalist Church of West Hartford”