“transforming jersey city” at the museum of jersey city history
Graphic and Exhibition Design

The Museum of Jersey City History is a new museum in what is known as the AppleTree House. Their mission is to foster an authentic sense of community by sharing the rich and diverse history of Jersey City. The inaugural exhibit, Transforming Jersey City, explored the changes in transportation, entertainment venues, and healthcare in the past century and who or what brought about these changes. As a corollary to the exhibition, we showcased modern photographs by local photographer Jennifer Brown alongside archival images of identical locations. I created “mashups” for a select group, which fade between and intertwine past and present.
The panels needed to be clear and easy-to-read but also visually exciting. I used a bold, sans-serif font, bright colors, and offset the quotations with dynamic speech bubbles. As an overarching design concept I included a screened map or floorplan that related to each theme.